Dead Cells’ Latest Expansion Makes a Good Thing So Much Better | Kotaku UK

Bad Seed is good.

Like the game’s previous DLC, “Rise of the Giant,” Bad Seed adds two new areas and a boss. The first of these, called the Arboretum, is a sunny greenhouse full of mushroom-domed mutants and Venus flytraps. It’s accessible directly from the starting area and forms the basis of a new alternate route through the first third of the game. Unlike the Toxic Sewers or Promenade, though, its rooms are larger and stalked by a more aggressive mix of zombies, grenadiers, and new enemy types. The mushroom men will fling you into nearby walls of spikes, while spike-shelled turtles will automatically wound you every time you mistakenly hit them from behind.


Source: Dead Cells’ Latest Expansion Makes a Good Thing So Much Better | Kotaku UK