BioShock Director Levine Apologizes for Boss Battle

It’s been over ten years since players first experienced the dystopian society that is Rapture in the original BioShock that was released in 2007, also known as one of the best years for gaming. While the game was a thrilling, yet somewhat horrifying experience throughout, the game wasn’t without a few flaws. Most notably, the game’s ending was criticized along with its less than epic final boss battle.

It seems that after a decade of waiting, fans of the game are getting the apology for the mediocre climax that was delivered courtesy of the first game’s director, Ken Levine. If anyone still hasn’t managed to play BioShock, it should be noted that his apology comes with a big spoiler centering around one of the game’s central characters.

The apology comes from Ken Levine in light of the holiday Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days for Judaism. Yom Kippur goes over a twenty-four hour period and went from the evening of September 18 to September 19 and is marked by a period of prayer, fasting, and repentance. Surprisingly enough, Ken Levine opted to apologize for one of his past mistakes in a tweet about the final boss of BioShock.

While fans wait to hear more about the BioShock franchise’s future, Levine took it upon himself to apologize for the blemishes on the franchise’s past. Declaring on Wednesday that it was the day for “Jewish atonement,” Levine tweeted that he was “here to apologize for the naked Atlas boss battle at the end of BioShock.” The apology comes somewhat out of left field considering how many years it has been since the game’s release, though the final boss has generally been poorly received by critics and gamers alike. Even though not everyone may have been a fan of the game’s climax, at least Levine is willing to admit to it being a mistake.

Levine’s tweet was somewhat ambiguous as to whether he was genuinely apologizing over a mediocre climax or whether he was just being playful with fans of the game. Whether he was talking about the gameplay elements of the battle or the design and story elements of it are uncertain, but he is definitely aware of the public’s opinion on the finale for the game.

Of course, if Levine really wanted to apologize for one of the franchise’s blunders, he would have tweeted about that PS Vita version that was announced but never finished.

BioShock is currently available on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: PCGamesN



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