Bioware to show more of Anthem today at PAX West – watch the panel here


By Stephany Nunneley,
Saturday, 1 September 2018 14:43 GMT

Bioware will provide a look at Anthem today during a panel at PAX West and you can watch it right here.

The Anthem panel promises to show more of the game’s “dangerous” world, and how players become the “hero” of their story in the shared universe.

Developers on the panel are: executive producer Mark Darrah, lead producer Mike Gamble, level design director Victor Krengel, level designer Sabine Rosgren, and lead writer Cathleen Rootsaert.

The panel starts at 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ET, 9:30pm BST, 10:30pm CEST and will last around one hour.

Watch live video from PAX on

Anthem releases February 22 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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