Destiny 2 New Crucible Mode Coming Next Week

Destiny 2‘s unique Gambit mode has been the highlight of the new Forsaken festivities, but Guardians with an itch for a more traditional PvP experience can scratch it with another new mode incoming next week. Starting Tuesday, September 25, players can jump into the new Breakthrough mode in the Crucible.

Breakthrough is a multi-phase mode. First, players fight over a central zone. Whichever team captures that zone deploys the Breaker. The losing team can still fight over the zone to take control of it and deploy their own Breaker. Once the Breaker is captured it can be used to hack the enemy Vault. The first team to hack the Vault wins, and if you’re in the process of hacking when the timer expires, you enter sudden death. The best of three wins the match.

The new mode will show up first as a Weekly Featured Playlist next week, and then it will be added to the Competitive playlist starting on October 2. If you’re a Forsaken owner, you can play Breakthrough in private matches starting on September 25 too. It will be available on the Equinox, Firebase Echo, Citadel, Convergence maps, and for PS4 players, Gambler’s Ruin as well.

While you wait for Breakthrough, you can try the Gambit Mode for free this weekend, even if you don’t own Forsaken. Bungie is still rolling out regular updates and hot-fixes, including quality-of-life tweaks like making some sought-after weapons a little easier to get. Check out GameSpot’s Destiny 2 Review-in-Progress for ongoing thoughts about this latest big expansion to the space epic.



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