Epic Games Calls out Google for Revealing Fortnite Vulnerability


Folks who own Android devices can usually download apps from the Google Play Store. Unfortunately, they cannot download the mobile version of Fortnite. In order to forgo paying the 30% fee to Google, Epic Games has instead decided to make users go to their site to download it. In our reporting, we detailed some of the potential dangers associated with downloading Fortnite on Android. Last Friday, Google revealed hackers could load malware by hijacking the game’s installation software. This reveal hasn’t sat well with Epic, who believe Google should have delayed reporting the news. In fact, the game developer has flat out called Google’s actions “irresponsible.”This sentiment was expressed by Epic’s, Tim Sweeny. The Chief Executive responded to the news on Twitter with this:

He followed that tweet up with this:

Though Epic is calling Google out, some believe this situation only happened because of the game’s developer’s refusal to allow its game on the Google Play Store. Troy Hunt, who is a cyber-security expert had this to say on Twitter:

According to BBC News, this isn’t the first time Google has disclosed vulnerabilities of this kind. In the past, the search engine giant revealed problems with Microsoft products, along with Apple and Samsung.

Google actually made Epic aware of the vulnerability by sharing a screen recording with it on August 15. The video showed a way to dupe Fortnite‘s Android installer into loading malware. Two days later, Epic stated it was making a fix available after “working around the clock” to make it.


Tune in this week to Geek Plays to get tips from a few Fortnite coaches. Learn how to correctly download Fortnite for Android. And see our complete hands-on of the game on the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Follow all the latest on Fortnite news here.


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