Fallout 4 New Vegas mod shows off initial gameplay footage


By Marshall Lemon,
Monday, 17 September 2018 19:34 GMT

This Fallout 4 mod aims to recreate New Vegas in a new game engine, and so far it’s off to a great start.

Everyone has their favorite Fallout game, and for different reasons. Some might prefer the storyline of New Vegas, while others enjoy the gameplay and visual upgrades of Fallout 4. But what happens when members of the Fallout modding community aim to put the two experiences together? From an initial gameplay trailer, it doesn’t look bad at all.

Footage from the aptly-named Fallout 4: New Vegas recently appeared on Reddit, and from all appearances is a faithful adaptation of the original. It follows the Courier upon waking up after Doc Martin has removed bullet fragments from his brain, where character creation is largely an attempt to piece together what you can remember.

Obviously, not all details are the same. Most notably, Doc Martin’s voice actor has been changed to avoid any legal disputes with the original voice team. Yet that also allows the opportunity to record new lines, such as a dialogue option that a Rorschach blot test looks like “two bears high-fiving”.

Fallout 4: New Vegas doesn’t run on the same timeline as Triple-A games, but you can certainly expect this project to be on more radars now. Here’s hoping it does well enough that Bethesda considers an official re-release in the spirit of Black Mesa.

If you’re interested in helping the project, Fallout 4: New Vegas is looking for designers, artists and voice actors.

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