Shakedown Hawaii, the Retro City Rampage follow-up, has a new gameplay trailer


Shakedown Hawaii, the Retro City Rampage follow-up, is a satirical swipe at white collar crime. Its latest trailer is a typical miscellany of weapons and speeding vehicles and explosions. 

Take cover:

Billed as a standalone game—and “not Retro City Rampage 2″—Shakedown Hawaii parodies mega corporations and white collar crime. You fill the loafers of a dysfunctional and out of touch CEO, and you commit corporate and regular crime within a 16-bit city (against its forerunner’s 8-bit aesthetic) that’s brimming with sidequests. 

According to developer VBlank, Shakedown Hawaii replaces “the genre’s more commonly populated gangs and mobsters [with] boardroom executives [who] formulate harebrained schemes to increase margins and boost profits.” It’s without a hard launch date as yet, but is “coming soon”, as per its official site

In the meantime, read about Shakedown’s predecessor, Retro City Rampage.   



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