AMD refreshed its ‘Raise the Game’ bundle, but shows no love for the 5600 XT | PC Gamer

As previously rumored, the Radeon RX 5600 XT is weirdly omitted from AMD’s latest free games promotion. Source: AMD refreshed its ‘Raise the Game’ bundle, but shows no love for the 5600 XT | PC Gamer

Best Adventure 2019: Outer Wilds | PC Gamer

Uncover vast mysteries among a lovingly handcrafted solar system. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve busted up my spacecraft, and with Outer Wilds’ time limit, sometimes there’s just no time for a pinpoint perfect landing, you’ve just got to crash and dash. …Solving a mystery that spans civilizations is quite the hefty task—one that will pull you in several different directions—but I know that my trusty wooden spacecraft will help me navigate through it all. …Space phenomena like black holes feel mysterious and dangerous, and the looping time cycle allows you to die in lots of horrible ... Read more