Black Desert Online Creators File Trademark for New Game, Crimson Desert


Our friend Cinderboy over at MMOCulture has uncovered a new trademark has been filed by Black Desert Online creators Pearl Abyss for something called Crimson Desert. The trademark was filed in South Korea and covers categories 09, 41, and 42 which means that it is software made for online use and mobile devices. Yep, it’s going to be a mobile game. The logos which have been included with the trademark filing do nothing to give away what the game may be as they’re just simple black text on a white background. So this is where the facts end and the speculation begins.

Black Desert Online

Starting with the most obvious we need to look at the name, Crimson Desert. This is very similar to their game Black Desert Online which in South Korea is simply called Black Desert. The similarity in the names seems to suggest that they will in some way be connected or at the very least Pearl Abyss want to lean on the massive success of Black Desert for this new title.

In recent months Pearl Abyss has been putting a lot of time and effort into teasing their upcoming game currently titled Project K. For those who haven’t heard of Project K before, it is an online FPS with MOBA elements made by Counter-Strike creator Minh Le that will be on PC and Xbox One. A recent teaser video for the game does show some concept art and character models that seem to suggest the game takes place in a contemporary or slightly futuristic setting. This doesn’t really go very well with the Black Desert Online theory. Then again, who ever said that games in the same series had to make sense? I’m looking at you Final Fantasy.

The other possibility is that Crimson Desert is the casual mobile MMORPG that Pearl Abyss is working on currently titled Project V. This seems the most likely as it fits the idea of a mobile game whereas Project K does not. Project V also works well with the idea of it being in some way connected to Black Desert Online since BDO is itself an MMORPG.

There is, of course, the other possibility, that Crimson Desert isn’t Project K or Project V and is instead something entirely new that hasn’t been announced previously. There isn’t really much evidence to support this at the moment, however. Our money right now is on Project V. Hopefully there will be more news about Crimson Desert in the future, but for right now all we can do is wait and watch.



Source: MMOCulture

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About Shannon Doyle

Shannon first discovered MMOs in 1999 when she picked up the newly launched Everquest. This started a lifelong love affair with online gaming that has taken her around the world and brought her to While she still pines for the streets of Paragon, the City of Heroes, today she spends most of her gaming time walking across Tyria in Guild Wars 2, roleplaying with anyone who says hello.



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