Here’s what happens if you join a server in Fallout 76 and someone has a base in the same location as yours


By Kirk McKeand,
Monday, 8 October 2018 15:01 GMT

Base building is an important part of Fallout 76 and you will spend a lot of your time searching for components and expanding your fortifications.

In Fallout 4, you could only build in a few predetermined locations, but Fallout 76 opens its entire map up and allows you to plonk your base down anywhere you want. Want to build around a rollercoaster at a theme park? Go ahead. Want to build up a mountain? Why not.

Though Fallout 76’s map is absolutely huge, there’s a chance you could join a game and find someone else has a base exactly where you decided to set up. So, how does the game solve this problem? We got the answer during a recent roundtable interview.

Whoever is on a server first gets priority of land. So if you join a server and there’s someone in your space, your base is automatically packed up, Because bases are blueprinted, you simply need to just plonk it down somewhere else.

Servers in Fallout 76 are temporal, which means you will always be playing in a new instance. The only way you can manipulate what server you’re on is by joining your friends.

We’re managed to play three hours of Fallout 76, and you can read our impressions here. Or just cut to the juicy bit – here’s a nuke going off.

Fallout 76 is out on November 14. While you wait, here’s everything we know about Fallout 76.

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