This travel poster for Monster Hunter’s Rotten Vale almost makes me want to go there



I don’t hear people talk about Monster Hunter: World‘s Rotten Vale often. It was one of the most memorable locales during my playthrough, and though it is pretty much the opposite of welcoming, this poster from crowsmack at least has me considering my options.

I really dig the use of color here and the style of the Odogaron, who looks considerably more friendly here than he does in-game. I’m also a sucker for that whole “welcome to!” adventurer angle. It looks like something straight out of a theme park ride’s decor.

If you’re into the style crowsmack has their own website where they provide prints, including the aforementioned Rotten Vale piece. They also have prints for Coral Highlands, Wildspire Waste, and the Ancient Forest.

Vintage Rotten Vale poster done [Reddit]

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