Game on! New eSports degree will see university students play computer games as part of their coursework


Game on! New eSports degree will see university students play computer games as part of their coursework

  • University of Chichester is offering a three-year BA (Hons) in Esports studies
  • Students, will be required to play FIFA and Counter- Strike as part of their degree
  • A University of Chichester spokesperson said: ‘We are looking to the jobs of the future to support young people and those seeking a change of career’

Tammy Hughes For The Daily Mail

They are often accused of doing little else but play computer games.

But now students at the University of Chichester can say it is a vital part of their coursework.

The college is offering a three-year BA (Hons) in Esports studies.

Students, who will pay total fees of £27,750 before living costs, will be required to play FIFA, Counter- Strike, League of Legends and Project Cars as part of the degree.

Students at the University of Chichester will pay total fees of £27,750 before living costs  be required to play FIFA, Counter- Strike, League of Legends and Project Cars as part of the degree. (Stock photo)

Students at the University of Chichester will pay total fees of £27,750 before living costs be required to play FIFA, Counter- Strike, League of Legends and Project Cars as part of the degree. (Stock photo)

The prospectus for the full-time course, which starts next September, promises: ‘For the gamer there is also continual skills development sessions and the study of strategic and tactical thinking to enhance gameplay success.’

But last night a critic said universities are failing in their ‘moral responsibility’ to students.

Chairman of The Campaign for Real Education Chris McGovern said: ‘These universities are seducing students into joining their courses as a money-making racket.

‘They make these courses like computer game studies seem really attractive to young people and then they are leaving with £50,000 worth of debt and are unemployable.

A University of Chichester spokesperson said: ‘We are looking to the jobs of the future to support young people and those seeking a change of career. (Stock photo)

A University of Chichester spokesperson said: ‘We are looking to the jobs of the future to support young people and those seeking a change of career. (Stock photo)

‘Universities are failing in their moral responsibility to students by allowing them to take a course which will be no use whatsoever.’

A University of Chichester spokesperson said: ‘We are looking to the jobs of the future to support young people and those seeking a change of career.

‘The UK is currently a world leader in computer games – a sector supporting 24,000 jobs and contributing £1.4billion to our economy.’





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